Right on Track (television) A Disney Channel Original Movie, first airing on March 21, 2003. When Erica Enders enters the male-dominated world of drag racing at the age of eight, she quickly becomes a force to be reckoned with on the drag strip. Her younger sister, Courtney, follows in her footsteps, helping make Enders a household name in the world of drag racing, though not without challenges from their fierce competitors who would rather not have girl drivers winning in their sport. Directed by Duwayne Dunham. Stars Beverley Mitchell (Erica Enders), Jon Robert Lindstrom (Gregg Enders), Brie Larson (Courtney Enders), Marcus Toji (Randy Jones), Jodi Russell (Janet Lee Enders). 88 min. Based on a true story. The real Erica and Courtney Enders are featured in cameo rolls.