Puppy Dog Pals (television) Animated series on Disney Junior, debuting Apr. 14, 2017, on Disney Channel. The show follows two fun-loving pug brothers, Bingo and Rolly, whose thrill-seeking appetites take them on exhilarating adventures throughout their neighborhood and around the globe. Each episode features two 11-minute stories that showcase the pugs’ similarities and differences while demonstrating positive lessons about friendship, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, and adventure. Created by comedian Harland Williams. Voices include Issac Ryan Brown (Bingo), Sam Lavagnino (Rolly), Harland Williams (Bob), Tom Kenny (A.R.F. the robot dog), Jessica DiCicco (Hissy the cat), Huey Lewis (Bulworth), Patrick Warburton (Captain Dog), Jack McBrayer (Hedgie the hedgehog), Yvette Nicole Brown (Daisy). From Wild Canary in association with Disney Junior.