Once Upon a Mattress (television) Two-hour television movie for The Wonderful World of Disney scheduled to air in late 2005. Directed by Kathleen Marshall. Stars Carol Burnett (Queen Aggravain), Tracey Ullman (Princess Winnifred), Denis O’Hare (Prince Dauntless), Zooey Deschanel (Lady Larken), Michael Boatman (Jester), Edward Hibbert (Wizard), Matthew Morrison (Sir Harry), Tom Smothers (King Sextimus). Carol Burnett originated the role of Princess Winnifred in 1959, when the play debuted off-Broadway and later moved to the Great White Way. It eventually became one of her signature roles, not only on stage, but also in two television productions in 1964 and 1972. Produced by Mattress Productions, Ltd. in association with Touchstone Television.