Miss Guided (television) Half-hour ABC comedy television series, debuting with a special premiere on March 18, then moving to its regular night on March 20, 2008. It ended April 3, 2008. A former high school ugly duckling, Becky Freeley, comes back to her alma mater as a guidance counselor, after having finally conquered the awkward, traumatic world of high school, only to see an ex-cheerleader and former nemesis return as an English teacher, forcing Becky to relive her past and to find she has a competitor for the affections of a hot Spanish teacher. Stars Judy Greer (Becky), Brooke Burns (Lisa Germain), Earl Billings (Principal Huffy), Kristoffer Polaha (Tim O’Malley), Chris Parnell (Bruce Terry). From 20th Century Fox Television and ABC Studios.