Mickey and the Roadster Racers (television) Series on Disney Junior debuting Jan. 15, 2017. Mickey Mouse and the gang, with their unique transforming vehicles, go on high-spirited races around the globe as well as hometown capers in Hot Dog Hills. When Minnie and Daisy are not busy racing, they run their own successful business as the Happy Helpers, solving problems for anyone in need of a helping hand. Voices include Bret Iwan (Mickey Mouse), Russi Taylor (Minnie Mouse), Bill Farmer (Goofy and Pluto), Daniel Ross (Donald Duck). Aimed at kids 2-7, each episode features two 11-minute stories. From Disney Television Animation. For the third season, premiering October 14, 2019, the series was given the new title, Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures, featuring an updated version of the popular “Hot Dog!” song.