Hull High (television)

Hull High (television) Musical comedy/drama television series on NBC from September 23 to December 30, 1990. There were previews on August 20 and September 15, 1990. The series took an irreverent look at the daily lives of students and teachers at a Southern California high school as they dealt with themselves and each other. Musical production numbers served to underscore the conflicts and emotions of each show. Stars Will Lyman (John Deerborn), Nancy Valen (Donna Breedlove), George Martin (Mr. Dobosh), Harold Pruett (Cody Rome), Mark Ballou (Mark), Marty Belafsky (Louis Plumb), Marshall Bell (Jim Fancher), Kristin Dattilo (DJ), Cheryl Pollack (Camilla). The musical numbers were choreographed by Kenny Ortega.