Hatching Pete (television) A Disney Channel Original Movie, premiered on April 24, 2009. Pete, a shy 16-year-old high school student is struggling to be noticed, especially by a long-admired special girl. Then his best friend, Cleatus Poole, must quietly take a break from performing as the school’s chicken mascot, and unbeknownst to fans, he convinces Pete to stand in for him. Once Pete dons the chicken suit, a whole new outgoing personality emerges, and it not only captivates the school but the whole town. No one knows it is not Cleatus in the suit. Meanwhile Cleatus reaps the benefits of Pete’s dynamic performances, including a new girlfriend. Now unassuming Pete must decide if he wants everyone to know who the funny guy is. Directed by Stuart Gillard. Stars Jason Dolley (Pete Ivey), Mitchel Musso (Cleatus Poole), Tiffany Thornton (Angela Morissey), Josie Loren (Jamie Wynn), Brian Stepanek (Coach Madden).