Frankenweenie (film) Stop-motion animated film, in black and white. After unexpectedly losing his beloved dog, Sparky, young Victor harnesses the power of science to bring his best friend back to life—with just a few minor adjustments. He tries to hide his home-sewn creation, but when Sparky gets out, Victor’s fellow students, teachers, and the entire town of New Holland all learn that being brought back to life can have unexpected consequences. Directed by Tim Burton. Released Oct. 5, 2012, in Disney Digital 3-D, after a premiere on Sep. 20 at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas. Voices include Charlie Tahan (Victor Frankenstein), Catherine O’Hara (Susan Frankenstein), Martin Landau (Mr. Rzykruski), Christopher Lee (Movie Dracula), Martin Short (Mr. Walsh), Robert Capron (Bob), Conchata Ferrell (Bob’s mom), Winona Ryder (Elsa Van Helsing), Atticus Shaffer (Edgar). 87 min. Feature-length version of the 1984 short film from Tim Burton.