Cold Creek Manor (film) Cooper Tilson and his wife Leah, tiring of the hustle and bustle of New York City, pack up their kids and move into a recently repossessed mansion in the sticks of New York State. Once grand and elegant, the manor at Cold Creek is now a shambles, but the family has plenty of time to renovate. Then a mysterious former resident returns and a series of terrifying incidents occur at the house, leading the Tilsons to wonder about the family that used to live in their new home and what dark secrets are hidden inside. A Touchstone Picture. Directed by Mike Figgis. Released on September 19, 2003. Stars Dennis Quaid (Cooper Tilson), Sharon Stone (Leah Tilson), Stephen Dorff (Dale Massie), Juliette Lewis (Ruby), Kristen Stewart (Kristen Tilson), Ryan Wilson (Jesse Tilson), Dana Eskelson (Sheriff Ferguson), Christopher Plummer (Mr. Massie). 119 min. Filmed in Ontario, Canada. Released on video in 2004.