Buzz on Maggie, The (television) Animated comedy debuting on Disney Channel on June 17, 2005. In the metropolis of Stickyfeet, Maggie Pesky, an unusually creative and expressive tweenage fly, is fun-loving and highly energetic, but she causes problems with her inspired antics in the conventional world of flies, which lead to consequences she did not anticipate. When she is faced with one of the many routines of everyday life, she devises a way to make it fresh and exciting. Voices include Jessica DiCicco (Maggie Pesky), David Kaufman (Aldrin Pesky), Thom Adcox (Pupert Pesky), Cree Summer (Rayna), Brian Doyle Murray and Susan Tolsky (Maggie’s father and mother). Also aired on ABC Kids beginning September 17, 2005.