Annie (television) Two-hour television movie, airing on The Wonderful World of Disney on November 7, 1999. A new production of the classic musical about the little red-headed orphan who finds a permanent, loving home with the big-hearted billionaire, Daddy Warbucks, much to the chagrin of her mean-spirited orphanage matron, Miss Hannigan. Directed by Rob Marshall. Stars Kathy Bates (Miss Hannigan), Alicia Morton (Annie), Alan Cumming (Rooster Hannigan), Audra McDonald (Grace Farrell), Kristin Chenoweth (Lily St. Regis), Victor Garber (Oliver Warbucks). Based on the Broadway musical written by Thomas Meehan, with music and lyrics by Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin. Andrea McArdle, who played Annie on Broadway 20 years previously, has a cameo role as “Star-to-Be.” Filmed entirely on location in Los Angeles. The show won Emmys for choreography (Rob Marshall) and music direction (Paul Bogaev). Released on video in 2002.