African Lion, The (film) True-Life Adventure feature, released on September 14, 1955. Directed by James Algar, with a notable musical score by Paul Smith. The photography team of Alfred and Elma Milotte spent three years in Africa studying the realm of the king of beasts, and came up with some fascinating footage of not only lions but giraffes, rhinoceroses, elephants, and baboons. The effects of a drought on the animals and the eventual tropical storms that end it round out the motion picture. The cost of film was not a major factor; the Milottes shot until they got the footage that would make an interesting film. Eventually only about six percent of the film they shot was used in the final production. The movie’s theme of the annual life cycle would years later be echoed in “The Circle of Life” in The Lion King. 72 min. See His Majesty, King of the Beasts for the abridged 1958 television airing. For behind-the-scenes footage, see Beaver Valley/Cameras in Africa.