Motocrossed (television) A Disney Channel Original Movie, premiering on February 2, 2001. Motocross is a hot topic for 15-year-old twins Andrew and Andrea Carson, but their father wants Andrea to stick with more feminine pursuits. When Andrew is injured, Andrea sets up a scheme to pose as her brother in an all-important race that’s just days away, and into which her father has sunk the family’s finances. But she did not reckon with her father finding out or her falling for a fellow competitor. Directed by Steve Boyum. Stars Alana Austin (Andrea Carson), Mary-Margaret Humes (Geneva Carson), Trever O’Brien (Andrew Carson), Timothy Carhart (Edward Carson), Scott Terra (Jason Carson), Michael Cunio (Rene Cartier), Riley Smith (Dean Talon). The motocross track used in the film was Barona Oaks, located on an Indian reservation in eastern San Diego County in Southern California. Released on video in 2002.