Mission to Mars (film) In the year 2020, Luke Graham leads the first manned mission to Mars, but his crew is decimated by a catastrophic and mysterious disaster. A rescue mission, co-piloted by Commander Woody Blake and Jim McConnell, is hurriedly launched to investigate the tragedy and bring back any survivors. The astronauts face almost insurmountable dangers on their journey through space, and they make an amazing discovery when they finally reach the red planet. A Touchstone Picture. Directed by Brian De Palma. Released on March 10, 2000. Stars Gary Sinise (Jim McConnell), Don Cheadle (Luke Graham), Connie Nielsen (Terri Fisher), Jerry O’Connell (Phil Ohlmyer), Tim Robbins (Woody Blake), Armin Mueller-Stahl (Ray Beck). 113 min. Filmed in CinemaScope. Photography took place in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, with the Mars surface, at 55 acres, one of the largest sets ever built for a movie, constructed at the Fraser Sand Dunes. Some landscape elements were also filmed in Jordan and the Canary Islands. Released on video in 2000.