Missing (television) Drama series premiering on ABC on March 15, 2012, and ending on May 17, 2012. Becca Winstone’s son is kidnapped while studying abroad, and it is a race against time when she travels to Rome to track him down. She begins piecing together the clues left behind, and it isn’t long before the kidnappers realize they have picked a fight with the wrong woman, because Becca has a secret of her own—before her husband’s death, she was also a lethal CIA operative. If she wants to find her son alive, she will have to rely on old friends and reopen old wounds, putting her resourcefulness, skill, and determination to the test. Stars Ashley Judd (Becca Winstone), Sean Bean (Paul Winstone), Cliff Curtis (Dax Miller), Adriano Giannini (Giancarlo Rossi), Nick Eversman (Michael Winstone), Tereza Voriskova (Oksana). Produced by Stillking Films with ABC Studios.