Gallegher (television) Three-part television show; aired on January 24, 31, and February 7, 1965. Directed by Byron Paul. An energetic newspaper copyboy in 1889 wants to become a reporter, and he is soon more deeply involved in his stories than he had expected. When he discovers a bank robbery, he helps the reporter, Brownie, to apprehend the four-fingered culprit. Later he helps the police chief who has been framed, and tries to convince the authorities that he has discovered a wanted felon in town. Stars Roger Mobley (Gallegher), Edmond O’Brien (Jefferson Crowley), Jack Warden (Lt. Fergus), Ray Teal (Snead), Robert Middleton (Dutch Mac), Harvey Korman (Brownie), Philip Ober (Hade), Bryan Russell (Jimmy). Based on a book by Richard Harding Davis. See also The Further Adventures of Gallegher, Gallegher Goes West, and The Mystery of Edward Sims.