D23 Days crafts gift boxes

‘Tis the Season Mini Gift Box Craft

What You Will Need:

  • Heavy printer paper
  • Clear tape
  • Curling ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch

Kids, have an adult help you with the scissors.

How to Make the Boxes:

  1. Download and print onto heavy paper.
  2. Trim along the solid lines.
  3. Fold along the dashed lines.
  4. Place a treat or surprise in the center, fold the shorter flaps in, and secure with tape. Fold the longer tabs to meet at the top, and use a hole punch to make a hole in the tabs. Thread curing ribbon through the hole to secure the outer tabs to finish the box.
  5. Trim out the gift tag along the solid line, use a hole punch to punch the hole, and thread the gift tag onto the ribbon to attach.