Weekenders, The (television)

Weekenders, The (television) Animated series debuting on February 26, 2000, as part of One Saturday Morning. Four friends, Tino, Carver, Lor, and Tish, spend each weekend discovering and creating new levels of fun, while negotiating the obligatory obstacles of adolescence. Voices include Jason Marsden (Tino Tonitini), Phil LaMarr (Carver Descartes), Kath Soucie (Tish Katsufrakis), Grey …

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WEDway PeopleMover

WEDway PeopleMover Tomorrowland attraction in Magic Kingdom Park at Walt Disney World; opened on July 1, 1975. It became Tomorrowland Transit Authority in 1994. At Disneyland, known as the PeopleMover. A journey in the five-car trains, powered by environmentally correct linear induction motors, provides a visit inside a number of the Tomorrowland attractions.

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Wedding Pavilion at Walt Disney World

Wedding Pavilion

Wedding Pavilion After starting to promote weddings at Walt Disney World with a Fairy Tale Weddings department in 1991, the park opened a special Wedding Pavilion on July 15, 1995, featuring a view of Cinderella Castle and seating for up to 250 guests. The Pavilion actually had its first wedding, and a preview, on Weddings …

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Weaver, Sigourney

Weaver, Sigourney Actress, appeared in Holes (The Warden), The Village (Alice Hunt), You Again (Ramona), and provided the voice of the ship’s computer in WALL•E. She also appeared as Alexandra Reid in Marvel’s The Defenders.

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Wednesday Anything Can Happen Day on the 1950s Mickey Mouse Club. Surprise Day on the new Mickey Mouse Club.

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WED Enterprises

WED Enterprises Design and development organization founded by Walt Disney in December 1952, to help him create Disneyland. Walt sold his interest in WED Enterprises in February 1965. Originally at the Disney Studio in Burbank, WED moved to facilities in Glendale in 1961. It later became known as Walt Disney Imagineering (1986).

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Weasel Family, The (film)

Weasel Family, The (film) Educational film; released in May 1968. The film tells of the habits and traits of the weasel, otter, mink, marten, skunk, and wolverine.

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