Night Stalker, The (television) One-hour drama series that debuted on ABC on September 29, 2005, and ended on November 10, 2005. When a pregnant woman is snatched from her home, crime reporter Carl Kolchak suspects all is not as it seems. That is because 18 months ago, his wife was killed in a bizarre fashion and he has been the FBI’s number-one suspect ever since. Kolchak’s determination to find the truth leads him to investigate other crimes that seem to have a supernatural component. But he’s trying to piece together a puzzle that keeps changing shape. Who or what is committing these crimes? How are they all related? With sidekick Perri Reed, a sexy if skeptical fellow reporter in tow, Kolchak will go to any lengths to answer these questions. But when he does discover the truth—will anyone believe him? Stars Stuart Townsend (Carl Kolchak), Gabrielle Union (Perri Reed), Eric Jungmann (Jain McManus), Cotter Smith (Tony Vincenzo). From Touchstone Television. Three unaired episodes debuted on iTunes on February 7, 2006, joining seven previously released episodes, and all ten episodes aired on the Sci Fi Channel in the summer of 2006.