Keeping the Faith (film) Best friends since they were kids, Rabbi Jacob Schram and Father Brian Finn are dynamic and popular young men living and working on New York’s Upper West Side. When Anna Reilly, once their childhood friend and now grown into a beautiful corporate executive, suddenly returns to the city, she reenters Jake’s and Brian’s lives with a vengeance. Sparks fly and an unusual and complicated love triangle ensues. A Touchstone Pictures/Spyglass Entertainment production. Released on April 14, 2000. Directed by Edward Norton. Stars Edward Norton (Brian Finn), Jenna Elfman (Anna Reilly), Ben Stiller (Jacob Schram), Anne Bancroft (Ruth Schram), Eli Wallach (Rabbi Lewis), Milos Forman (Father Havel), Holland Taylor (Bonnie Rose), Ron Rifkin (Larry Friedman). 129 min. Filming in New York City, the producers selected for the locations where the two lead actors worked, B’nai Jeshurun on West 88th and the Church of the Ascension on West 107th. Released on video in 2000.