X-Team (television) Two-hour movie; aired on ABC on January 9, 2003. The X-team is an elite rescue and extraction team made up of world-class athletes whose ability to navigate impossible terrain makes them the final option to free hostages or political prisoners. Team member R.J. is kidnapped along with a trio of businessmen on an exotic ski vacation in New Zealand. One of the group, it turns out, has developed a computer program that will revolutionize the Internet. R.J. manages to send out a radio signal seeking help from her colleagues. Directed by Leslie Libman. Stars Bai Ling (R.J. Fillmore), Scott Paulin (Harris Beckett), Paul Francis (Rasputin Wojohovitz), Elizabeth Lackey (Palmer Marix), Eric Mabius (Darby Gibson), Chris Pratt (Keenan Kranjac), Clarence Williams III (Pat Zachary). From Mandalay Television Productions in association with Touchstone Television. Filmed in New Zealand.