Mighty Ducks

The Mighty Ducks Animated Series Debuts in Syndication

Although the Mighty Ducks animated series, that debuted on this day in 1996, was far from realistic, Disney’s original 1992 live-action feature film The Mighty Ducks was so realistic and scored so big with audiences, it spawned a real hockey team. When it was first announced that Disney would form a real National Hockey League Mighty Ducks team, then Disney Chairman Michael Eisner said, “We made a movie called The Mighty Ducks. It did $50 million box office. That was our market research.” The original film starred Emilio Estevez, who brings a clumsy team of Pee Wee hockey players to victory, and two years later D2: The Mighty Ducks skated into theaters. In 1996, not only did a third sequel arrive, but the animated version of Mighty Ducks premiered on ABC, telling tales of duck-shaped extra-dimensional aliens from the planet Puckworld.