The Little Whirlwind is Released

The Mickey Mouse cartoon short The Little Whirlwind first blew into theaters on this day in 1941. Through the magic of Disney animation, anything tangible, or intangible, can have a personality, and in this featurette it is a whirlwind… a small mass of air rotating circularly. This little whirlwind may not have eyes or any living features, but it stirs up mischief and wreaks havoc on Mickey as he tries to clean Minnie’s yard. But when Mickey tries to rid himself of the little whirlwind, the story takes a spin and he must contend with the big mother whirlwind. And “ears” a little trivia for you… until this film, Mickey and Minnie’s ears were always round and flat and kept their same shape no matter how their heads moved. In The Little Whirlwind, their ears changed with more realistic perspective and dimension, but by 1942, things were back to the way they originally appEARed.