Ahoy there! We’ve got a whale of a tale to tell you about today! On this day in 1955, the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea exhibit weighed anchor at Disneyland. Not even a month after the park’s grand opening, original sets from the movie were brought to Tomorrowland, to help enhance the one land that Walt felt needed a little extra TLC. On deck for Guests to see was the exterior of the Nautilus, along with various interior sets which included Professor Aronnax’s cabin, the pump room, the chart room, the diving chamber, the wheelhouse, and even the salon, featuring the famous organ from the film which now resides in Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion ballroom. The quick fix became so popular, it remained there for eleven years, but alas, the exhibit reached the end of its journey on August 28, 1966.