In May 1942, Donald Gets Drafted became the first Disney war-themed cartoon released during World War II. In this hilarious short, Donald Duck finds himself in the army with that villainous Black Pete as perhaps the toughest drill sergeant of the war. At the end of that short, our poor hero found himself peeling potatoes, and that is where Sky Trooper picks up, the Donald Duck cartoon short that flew into theaters on this day in 1942. While skinning the spuds, Donald laments his longing to fly. When he finally gets the chance, he gets more than he bargained for and is expected to jump out of the plane as a paratrooper. In his efforts to avoid his descent, Donald tangles with Black Pete, managing to drop a bomb right on the general’s headquarters, and thus at the end of this film, he once again finds himself with KP duty, peeling potatoes, but this time Pete also must “chip” in.