Margaret Kerry

Margaret Kerry was Born

On this day in 1929, a pixie-like actress named Peggy Lynch was born. She began her acting career at the age of four, and as a teenager she was cast in the 1948 musical comedy film If You Knew Susie, with Eddie Cantor and Joan Davis. The popular singer, Eddie Cantor, decided that young Peggy needed a new stage name, and came up with the name Margaret Kerry. Just a few years later, Walt Disney was searching for a nimble mime/dancer/actor to be filmed as a live-action reference for animators working on the character Tinker Bell in his upcoming animated film, Peter Pan. Margaret soared into the job as the model for what is perhaps the most iconic Disney character besides Mickey Mouse. But this was not the first time that “Tinker Bell” and “Peter Pan” appeared together. Back on If You Knew Susie, Margaret worked with young Bobby Driscoll, Disney’s voice of Peter Pan. And if you’ve ever wondered what Tinker Bell might have originally sounded like, just listen to the red-headed mermaid in the film… that’s Margaret’s voice.