For many years, Tinker Bell has been known to fly high above Disneyland to light the fireworks, just as she had done so many times on Disney’s television series. On this day in 1958, circus performer “Tiny Kline” first dressed as Tinker Bell to perform a 1000 foot glide over a Los Angeles audience when Disneyland sponsored Disney Night at the Hollywood Bowl. Just three years later, at the age of 71, Kline began appearing nightly at Disneyland to do her part in Tinker Bell’s magical flight. While Kline has since passed away, D23’s Scott Wolf was determined to find out what it must have been like to fly over the magic land of fantasy. Another former circus performer, Gina Rock, took over the role in 1983 and was kind enough to share her experience. “I was very, very, lucky. I had the same crew for 21 years and it was so fun! We used to go (in the Matterhorn) and play basketball. But, the very moment that I stood on that pedestal (on the top of Matterhorn mountain), I’d close my eyes and for 10 or 15 seconds, I just became Tinker Bell. I would picture myself like Tinker Bell like you see in the cartoons and I would imagine myself to be her as I would fly. I would listen to the music and I would just become part of it. It was so exhilarating to be 160 feet in the air and having all those kids get so excited about seeing (someone performing as) Tinker Bell and it was so special to me. It was so magical for me every single time I did it.” To this day the tradition continues, and as Jack Wagner used to announce in the Fantasy in the Sky fireworks show, “If you wish hard enough, and believe strong enough, Tinker Bell may appear to fly high above Sleeping Beauty Castle!”