In a scene from Sleeping Beauty (1959), Maleficent (voiced by Eleanor Audley) is sitting on a Gothic-inspired, stone throne. Dressed in her signature black and purple robe with a high collar and horned headdress, she gazes to her right while stroking her pet raven, Diablo, who is perched on the throne’s left arm.

QUIZ: Which Disney Villain Matches Your Dark Side?

By Cecilia Sarantopoulos

It’s officially time to embrace your villain era. Haven’t heard? As announced at D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event presented by Visa® earlier this month, Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort will soon be conjuring up a brand-new Villains Land… and with Halloween creeping ever closer, it’s the perfect moment to discover which Disney villain matches your dark side. (Don’t be shy; there’s a little baddie in all of us!)

Grab your magic mirror and dive into the darkness:

What is your ultimate goal in life?

How do you like to make an entrance?

What color palette matches your mood?

What’s your fatal flaw?

What would your Villain lair look like?

What’s your approach to friendships?

If you could have one magical power, what would it be?

What’s your favorite type of music?

QUIZ: Which Disney Villain Matches Your Dark Side?
Your Match is: Dr. Facilier

In a scene from The Princess and the Frog, Dr. Facilier (voiced by Keith David) is wearing a top hat adorned with a skull and crossbones and a red band. His expression is mischievous, with a sly grin, and he holds his arms out wide, surrounded by glowing purple symbols and shadows that evoke dark magic and voodoo powers.

You’re charming, witty, and always up for a good time! Like Dr. Facilier, you love being in the mix of things, shaking up the status quo and bringing in a bit of magic wherever you go. While you maybe be a smooth talker, beware of making deals that come with a price! Some… advice: Watch out for the fine print!
Your Match is: Ursula

In a scene from The Little Mermaid (1989), Ursula (center), the part-human, part-octopus sea witch (voiced by Pat Caroll), laughs mischievously with two blue eels. She has short white hair and wears red lipstick. Bubbles form above her face as she looks to her left at one of the eels while her right hand lightly touches the eel to her right.

You’re bold, confident, and absolutely fabulous. Much like Ursula, you thrive on drama and love making an impression—whether through your fashion, personality, or sheer presence. You have a knack for getting what you want! Some… advice: Confidence is your superpower, but make sure you’re not stepping on others to get what you want.
Your Match is: Scar

In a scene from The Lion King (1994), Scar (voiced by Jeremy Irons), a lion, has a sinister and mocking expression, as he raises his left paw, curling his claws in a casual yet threatening manner. His fur is a mix of browns and black, and his eyes are bright yellow and green.

You’ve got a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue. Like Scar, you tend to keep your true feelings close to the chest and may have a more cynical view of the world. You know how to stay on top and keep control! Some… advice: It’s okay to let your guard down sometimes.
Your Match is: Maleficent

In a scene from Sleeping Beauty (1959), Maleficent (voiced by Eleanor Audley) is standing in a grand, Gothic-inspired Hall. She is wearing a black robe and horned headdress, with a high collar and a glowing green aura around her. The room is vast, with high ceilings, stone walls, and hanging banners. In the background, people are rushing toward an exit.

You exude quiet power and effortlessly command respect. You prefer to keep to yourself, but when someone crosses you, they better watch out! Like Maleficent, you value loyalty above all and possess a strong sense of justice—though you aren’t afraid to dish out some serious payback when wronged. Some... advice: Sometimes it’s better to let things go and focus on the good magic in your life!