In an image from The Princess and the Frog, Tiana (voiced by Disney Legend Anika Noni Rose), sits on the edge of a balcony, looking towards a shining star in a dark blue sky with stars and clouds. She wears a strapless crystal blue gown with gowns, a necklace, and a tiara. Her hair is up in a high bun.

QUIZ: Get Ready for the New Year By Guessing These Characters’ Resolutions

By Cecilia Sarantopoulos

As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the promise of a shiny new 2025, it’s time to reflect on resolutions—both ours and some of Disney’s most beloved characters. From pursuing dreams to chasing destinies, they remind us that a little courage and determination can transform any wish into a defining moment. Ready to test your memory and match the dreamers to their most pivotal resolutions?

When Remy follows his dreams in Ratatouille (2007), what goal does he set for himself?(Required)
In Mulan (1998), Mulan faces a pivotal moment of self-reflection. What path does she choose?(Required)
As Simba grows up in The Lion King (1994), what responsibility does he ultimately accept?(Required)
In Tim Burton’s The Night Before Christmas (1993), Jack Skellington visits Christmas Town. When he returns to Halloween Town, he resolves to:(Required)
In Coco (2017), what does Miguel commit to after discovering his family’s history?(Required)
Tiana works tirelessly toward her dreams in The Princess and the Frog (2009). What does she aim to achieve?(Required)