An extreme close-up of a brown damselflies looking directly at the camera as it rest upon white flower petals. The blue and brown background is out of focus.

QUIZ: Are You a Bug Brainiac? Test Your Knowledge with This Creepy-Crawly Trivia!

By Leanna Lakeram

Earth is filled with incredible creatures—but some of its mightiest critters live in a hidden world, right beneath our noses. National Geographic’s A Real Bug’s Life takes us on thrilling adventures alongside tiny superheroes like luna moths, peacock spiders, and more.

About how many insects live on Earth?(Required)
Which of the following critters is venomous and native to Australia?(Required)
Which elusive insect, originally discovered in the 1930s, wasn’t spotted again until over 60 years later in 2007?(Required)
Delicate damselflies are typically found in which of the following habitats?(Required)
What glowing beetle has evolved to communicate with its bright backside?(Required)
What bright green insect doesn’t have a mouth or digestive system?(Required)
Colorful peacock spiders are known for their odd mating ritual involving what behavior?(Required)
Insects have six legs and three main body parts—which of the following critters are not insects?(Required)

Catch up on everything creepy and crawly by watching A Real Bug’s Life, and make sure to tune into season 2—now streaming on Disney+!