People and Places is a documentary film series about, well, people and places. Through these 17 travelogues, released from 1958 to 1960, viewers were taken on magic carpet rides to far off lands such as Siam, Switzerland, Sardinia, and even Disneyland U.S.A. The Wales installment tells the story of the Welsh people who were the original inhabitants of the British Isles. In the Deluxe Golden Book, Walt Disney’s People and Places, Walt writes, “In our film visits to faraway lands, we have found that every people has a wealth of ancient lore — every place a treasure of rich tradition. Each land is steeped in the memory of historic times that shaped the lives of its people… Our ‘People and Places’ pictures are living records of some of the unique customs and old cultures that still endure in remote and isolated corners of the globe… Most of the world’s people will never travel to strange and faraway lands, but we hope that through our pictures, and through the pages of this book, a contribution may be made toward strengthening the bonds of good will and understanding by which all men can exist together in peace.”