With an active turn-of-the-century Main Street, U.S.A in 1956, it seemed natural to have an old-fashioned parade, just as small-town residents might have experienced in the day, and what better occasion than Easter? So when Easter fell on this day in 1956, Disneyland’s Director of Entertainment Tommy Walker produced a recreation of an Old-Fashioned Easter Parade. There were neither electronic sound systems nor prerecorded soundtracks at the time, and there were no Disney characters dancing down the parade route. This parade was as close to what occurred on Main Streets 50 years earlier. The impressive display of turn-of-the-century vehicles traveling up and down the parade route was thanks to the participation of the Horseless Carriage Club. There was also an accent on Easter fashion, ladies dressed to the hilt and most wore Easter bonnets with celebratory frills.