Listen up, junior space rangers! On this day in 1998, Buzz Lightyear official moved into the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World. Inspired by Disney·Pixar’s Toy Story 2, the interactive attraction Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin allowed guests to take control of their XP-37 space cruisers to turn at will and use laser cannons to help fight evil. Buzz himself describes the situation in the attraction queue: “Scanners detecting more trouble in sector 9. No doubt it’s the work of that nefarious criminal, the sworn enemy of the galactic alliance, the evil Emperor Zurg. His robotic army is stealing crystallic fusion power cells. Without those cells we’ll all be powerless and at the mercy of Zurg. Star Command picked a fine time to send the new recruits. All right, you junior space rangers, listen up! The green squadron will retrieve the power cells, while the rest of you concentrate on those robots. You’ll rendezvous at Planet Z. I will remain here at Star Command to coordinate the mission. Battle stations, report to the flight deck for immediate launch! To infinity and beyond!” At the completion of your mission, find out if your rank is the humble “Space Cadet,” or if you have achieved the highest rank of “Galactic Hero.”