Disney Legends

Legends News In Memoriam Listing Of Legends A to Z By Year Walt Disney once said, “You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world… but it requires people to make the dream a reality.” The Legends are chosen by a selection committee, formerly appointed and chaired by the late …

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Walt Disney quote about technology

By nature I’m…

Walt Disney Quote: “By nature I’m an experimenter. To this day, I don’t believe in sequels. I can’t follow popular cycles. I have to move on to new things. So with the success of Mickey, I was determined to diversify.” -Walt Disney

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In this volatile…

“In this volatile business of ours, we can ill afford to rest on our laurels, even to pause in retrospect. Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.” -Walt Disney

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The only problem…

“The only problem with anything of tomorrow is that at the pace we’re going right now, tomorrow would catch up with us before we got it built.” -Walt Disney

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But if we…

“But if we can bring together the technical know–how of American industry and the creative imagination of the Disney organization—I’m confident we can create right here in Disney World a showcase to the world of the American free enterprise system.” -Walt Disney

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I don’t believe…

“I don’t believe there’s a challenge anywhere in the world that’s more important to people everywhere than finding solutions to the problems of our cities. But where do we begin? How do we start answering this great challenge? Well, we’re convinced we must start with the public need.” -Walt Disney

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I’m just very…

“I’m just very curious—got to find out what makes things tick—and I’ve always liked working with my hands; my father was a carpenter. I even apprenticed to my own machine shop here and learned the trade. Since my outlook and attitudes are ingrained throughout our organization, all our people have this curiosity; it keeps us …

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There’s really no…

“There’s really no secret about our approach. We keep moving forward—opening up new doors and doing new things—because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. We’re always exploring and experimenting. At WED, we call it Imagineering—the blending of creative imagination with technical know-how.” -Walt Disney

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Many of these…

“Many of these attractions will ‘come-to-life’ through Audio-Animatronics, our space-age electronic method of making inanimate things move on cue, hour after hour and show after show.” -Walt Disney

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