In an image from Dream Productions, Paula (voiced by Paula Pell), a purple, anthropomorphic, jellybean-like director, sports a purple wig, orange glasses, and an orange necktie. Beside her is a blue, jellybean-like dog with a purple nose, ears, and tail, and a pink tongue. The backdrop showcases the vibrant film studio Dream Productions.

Lights, Camera, Goodnight! Paula Pell and Ally Maki Lead the Way in Pixar’s Dream Productions

By Cecilia Sarantopoulos

It’s time to revisit Headquarters—but this time, we’re delving even deeper into the subconscious of Riley (voiced by Kensington Tallman). Welcome to Dream Productions, the fully realized studio where dreams are written, directed, and occasionally turned into nightmares. Disney and Pixar’s new four-episode series, premiering December 11 on Disney+, offers an enchanting exploration of this whimsical world, taking fans on a behind-the-scenes journey into the depths of Riley’s mind.

The show reunites fans with the beloved original Emotions—Joy (voiced by Amy Poehler), Sadness (voiced by Phyllis Smith), Anger (voiced by Lewis Black), Disgust (voiced by Liza Lapira), and Fear (voiced by Tony Hale)—while introducing a vibrant cast of new characters.

At the center of Dream Productions is Paula Persimmon (voiced by Paula Pell), a high-energy, slightly frazzled director at the studio, who made a brief but memorable cameo in Inside Out. Supporting her is Janelle (voiced by Ally Maki), her resourceful yet under appreciated assistant director; Xeni (voiced by Richard Ayoade), a quirky indie filmmaker specializing in crafting Daydreams; and Jean (voiced by Maya Rudolph), the no-nonsense head of production whose mere presence is enough to keep everyone on their toes.

“I love [my character] Paula because I relate to her so much,” says Pell. “This kind of comedy is right in my wheelhouse—playing a flustered, low-self-esteem woman who’s had some successes but is now desperately trying to hold on and white-knuckle her way through,” she adds with a laugh. Dream Productions follows Paula’s journey as she navigates her love for Riley and the dreams they’ve built together, all while grappling with the ever-changing and competitive landscape of her studio. “I was experiencing this [need to keep up] in real time,” Pell admits. “Young people are different, everything is different, the world is different.”

In an image from Dream Productions, Paula (voiced by Paula Pell), a purple, anthropomorphic, jellybean-like director, wears a purple wig, orange glasses, and an orange necktie as she smiles at the camera from her director’s chair. To her left is Xeni (voiced by Richard Ayoade), a turquoise, anthropomorphic, jellybean-like director with blue hair, brown glasses, and an orange striped turtleneck sweater. He also sits on a director’s chair. The background features a buffet of food inside a bustling soundstage.

While Janelle looks up to Paula, she’s more adept at navigating the fast-paced and demanding work culture of the Dream Productions studio. But that doesn’t mean she’s without her own challenges. “Like Janelle, it’s been the Everest of my life trying to figure out how not to people-please and to take up space in a room—it’s never easy,” Maki shares. “Becoming more comfortable in her own skin, realizing she already had all the tools she needed, and trusting that her ideas were inherently good were what ultimately helped her come into her own.”

Janelle and Paula’s relationship is at the heart of Dream Productions, anchoring the series with its blend of humor and emotional depth. Their dynamic invites thoughtful discussions about valuing others’ perspectives in the workplace, collaborating to achieve a shared purpose—crafting dreams that enrich Riley’s life—and striking the delicate balance between adaptability and assertiveness.

Watch Dream Productions on Disney+ beginning December 11.