Dreidel game

Dreidel Craft and Game

What You Will Need:

  • Heavy printer paper
  • Clear tape or glue
    • Scissors
    • Hole punch
  • Wooden dowel or pencil
  • Coins or candy

Kids, have an adult help you with the scissors.

How to Make the Dreidel:

  1. Download and print onto heavy paper.
  2. Trim along solid lines.
  3. Fold along dashed lines.
  4. Glue or tape where shown on flaps to assemble the driedel.
  5. Poke a hole where shown to insert a dowel or pencil.

How to Play the Game:
Distribute to each player equal amounts of coins or candy.
All players put in one coin or candy.
Each player, in turn, spins the dreidel and then takes the action that coordinates to the letter that is facing up when the dreidel stops spinning. See on the PDF.
If the pot runs out before the end of the game, everyone puts in a coin or candy, and the game continues until one player has all of the coins or candy