In an image from The Lion King (2019), young Simba (voiced by JD McCrary), a lion cub, walks alongside Pumbaa (voiced by Seth Rogen), a warthog, and Timon (voiced by Billy Eichner), a meerkat perched on Pumbaa's head. The background features rocky terrain, trees, and flowers, with the trio standing on dry, barren ground. In the distance, the landscape becomes lusher and more vibrant.

QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Timon and Pumbaa’s Best Lines?

By Cecilia Sarantopoulos

With Mufasa: The Lion King roaring into theaters on December 20—exploring the unlikely rise of the king of the Pride Lands—now is the perfect time to revisit the 2019 live-action reimagining of the beloved classic.

Dynamic duo Timon and Pumbaa, brilliantly voiced by Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen, brought unforgettable humor and heart to the story—and they’re back to charm audiences once again in the upcoming film. Think you can recall their best lines? Take this quiz to test your memory and see if you’ve earned your rightful place in Pride Rock!

Timon: “He's going to eat you and then use my body as a ________.”(Required)
Pumbaa: “We’re going to name him ______.”(Required)
Timon: “It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we proudly present your ______.”(Required)
Pumbaa: “I may run from hyenas, but I will always fight a ______.”(Required)
Timon: “Lady, you’ve got your _____.”(Required)
Timon: “What’s your plan for getting us past the _____ guards?”(Required)