Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circu

Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus is Released

Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, it was on this day in 1960 that the film Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus was released in theaters, telling of young Toby Tyler (Kevin Corcoran), who runs away from home because he believes his uncle and aunt no longer want him and joins the circus. To celebrate the premiere of the new film downtown Sarasota, Florida was transformed into a circus atmosphere to celebrate “Toby Tyler Days.” Just as in the time of yore when the circus came to town, Sarasota hosted a brief, but impressive circus parade, complete with clowns, a cage of ferocious lions, and two herds of elephants. Movie stars and local officials, including Disney’s own president of Buena Vista Distribution Company, Irving Ludwig, were all on hand for gala event. Circus acts performed in a circus ring set up in the street with a special comedy routine by Gene Sheldon, one of the stars of Toby Tyler. The festivities climaxed with the film’s premiere.