Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough

Sleeping Beauty Castle Walk-Thru Attraction Opens at Disneyland

When Sleeping Beauty Castle opened its doors for the new walk-through tour for the first time in 1957, Walt Disney was joined by grown-up child star Shirley Temple for the royal dedication. Jack Lindquist, Disneyland’s first Advertising Manager, who later became Disneyland’s first president, recalls, “I had the chance to write the speech for Walt. I’d heard from most everybody that Walt will change everything, so I was waiting for it to come back. I never heard a thing. He came down the day of the dedication and I met him over at City Hall about an hour before the dedication, and he took the speech out of his vest pocket and said, ‘Who wrote this?’ So I said, ‘I did.’ He said, ‘Oh,’ and didn’t say a word. Put it back in his pocket, went to the opening and he read it and didn’t change one word. So I was very pleased and proud of that.”