
Ratatouille is Released

After nearly seven years from conception to completion, Pixar released its eighth feature-length animated film, Ratatouille, on June 29, 2007 to immense critical and commercial success. Set in Paris, the film follows an aspiring chef and rat, Remy, who was recently forced to abandon his home in the French countryside. Once in Paris, he sniffs out a restaurant and forms a friendship with Linguini, the kitchen cleaner. When Linguini accidentally knocks over a pot of soup, Remy helps Lou recreate the meal—and then some of the most delicious dishes the diners have ever tasted. Directed by Brad Bird and Jan Pinkava, Ratatouille boasts the vocal talents of Patton Oswalt (Remy), Lou Romano (Linguini), and others including Ian Holme, Peter O’Toole, and Brad Garrett. The film went on to win the Academy Award® for Best Animated Feature.