It’s “time” for another This Day in Disney! On this day in 1937, Clock Cleaners was released. As the caretakers of a tower clock, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy didn’t waste a minute in ensuring that it was properly kept up. Problem is, on one “hand,” literally, you’ve got the sure-and-steady Mickey doing his part, but on the other hand, you’ve got the quick-tempered Donald causing all kinds of havoc. Meanwhile, Goofy chimes into the storyline by knocking himself out cold and dangerously staggering around in an unconscious state. Did you know that the earliest clocks were the sundials, which were used as early as 5000 BC, but it wasn’t until 1577 AD that Jost Burgi invented the first clock with a minute hand? Although that clock had some problems, in the 17th century the pendulum clock helped swing things into gear with more accuracy. By the mid 19th century, tower clocks were being mass-produced in the US and installed in thousands of towns, and with proper cleaning by caring folks, like Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, many of those historic clocks still run today.