In Alpine Climbers, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck wreak havoc during their ascent up the Swiss Alps in what starts out as a peaceful climb, but when Pluto falls in the snow and becomes a PUPsicle, a helpful St. Bernard rescues him and warms him up with a swig of brandy from his keg. While St. Bernards with kegs around their neck are quite common amongst illustrations and a favorite for gags in cartoons, we decided to get to the bottom of the barrel and do some research on the subject. The large breed of dog is indeed a Swiss animal that was originally bred for rescue. The purpose of the brandy is to help warm the insides of those rescued in the snow. In reality, the brandy would only worsen conditions of hypothermia and there is no evidence that St. Bernards historically carried brandy kegs around their necks for rescue. However, when you have a talking mouse and duck mountain climbing, it’s often the best thing to have around!