Zach, Antioch, California

I do not know about the house, but we do have the Tin Man, along with Tik Tok and Jack Pumpkinhead, in the Walt Disney Archives.

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Zachary, Boca Raton, Florida

As far as we know, the missing elements were not retained.

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Jesse, Port Charlotte, Florida

There is no other elaborate Utilidor system, though there are a few short tunnels in other Disney parks.

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Kobe, Delaware, Ohio

The theme to “Strange Things” plays in several of the Buzz Lightyear attractions; the song was introduced in the original Toy Story film.

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Kobe, Delaware, Ohio

It wasn’t the Black Pearl. The HMS Bounty ship replica, which had been built for filming Mutiny on the Bounty in 1960, portrayed the Edinburgh Trader in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. The Bounty sunk during Hurricane Sandy, on October 29, 2012.

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Kobe, Delaware, Ohio

When I first started my column, in the Disney Channel Magazine in 1983, nobody knew about it yet, so I had to make up the first questions myself. Once the columns began being published, then the questions started coming in. There are many questions we receive that cannot be answered; often one would have to …

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Remembering Walt Peregoy

Walt Peregoy, a color stylist and background artist who was named a Disney Legend in 2008, passed away at his home in Encino, California, on January 16.

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