Next to his…

“Next to his own most intimate self-concerns, man is most fascinated by creatures of the animal kingdom. They have been close to his interest and his fate from time beyond the Ark.” -Walt Disney

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What I have…

“What I have learned from the animal world, and what anyone will learn who studies it, is a renewed sense of kinship with the earth and all its inhabitants.” -Walt Disney

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Why worry? if…

“Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better. I worry about many things, but not about water over the dam.” -Walt Disney

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Why be a…

“Why be a governor or a senator when you can be king of Disneyland.” -Walt Disney

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Actually, if you…

“Actually, if you could see close in my eyes, the American flag is waving in both of them and up my spine is growing this red, white and blue stripe.” -Walt Disney

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I love the…

“I love the nostalgic myself. I hope we never lose some of the things of the past.” -Walt Disney

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The life and…

“The life and ventures of Mickey Mouse have been closely bound up with my own personal and professional life. . . He still speaks for me and I still speak for him.” -Walt Disney

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