I just want…

“I just want to leave you with this thought, that it’s just been sort of a dress rehearsal and we’re just getting started. So if any of you start resting on your laurels, I mean just forget it, because…we are just getting started.” -Walt Disney

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Both of us…

“Both of us were unemployed and neither could get a job. We solved the problem by going into business for ourselves. We established the first animated cartoon studio in Hollywood.” -Walt Disney

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We evolved by…

“We evolved by necessity. We did not sit down and say to ourselves, ‘How can we make a big pile of dough?’ It just happened.” -Walt Disney

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Fun and wonder…

“Fun and wonder are the important elements, in addition to quality in production and performance, which are most responsible for the success of Disney productions.” -Walt Disney

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I suppose my…

“I suppose my formula might be: dream, diversify—and never miss an angle.” -Walt Disney

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Get a good…

“Get a good idea, and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done, and done right.” -Walt Disney

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People often ask…

“People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.” -Walt Disney

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We share, to…

“We share, to a large extent, one another’s fate. We help create those circumstances which favor or challenge us in meeting our objectives and realizing our dreams. ” -Walt Disney

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When they come…

“When they come here they’re coming because of an integrity that we’ve established over the years. And they drive hundreds of miles. I feel a responsibility to the public.” -Walt Disney

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