Photo from Disney film Jungle Cat

Jungle Cat is Released

Deep in the Amazon basin of Brazil lives the Jungle Cat—the South American jaguar. This True-Life Adventures film about this remarkable feline first pounced onto screens for general release on this day in 1960. In total, there were 13 True-Life Adventures films, eight of which won Academy Awards®. The idea for the nature series was truly groundbreaking in 1948.

Start by gathering outstanding footage, create a good storyline, add memorable music and thoughtful editing . . .


Walt himself devised the very first True-Life Adventures film, Seal Island, after viewing footage from Elma and Al Milotte, the husband and wife filmmakers he’d hired to shoot scenes in Alaska. Walt’s concept became the foundation for all future films: Start by gathering outstanding footage from the world’s best cinematographers, create a good storyline, then add memorable music and thoughtful editing—and a whole new kind of entertainment was born. Jungle Cat, the film about the jaguar, had a special “spot” in True-Life Adventures history as the last “tail” of the series.