A Disney Channel Original Movie, first aired on February 5, 2000. In 1977, African American Congressman Ron V. Dellums and his family welcome a South African exchange student, but, expecting a student of color, they are surprised when a white South African arrives. Their surprise is no more than the girl’s, a product of the Apartheid system who views black people as second class citizens. The situation challenges them all with valuable lessons about racism and tolerance. Directed by Kevin Hooks. Stars Carl Lumbly (Ron Dellums), Penny Johnson (Roscoe Dellums), Lindsay Haun (Mahree), Shadia Simmons (Piper Dellums), Ahmad Stoner (Daniel), Anthony Burnett (Brandy Dellums), Travis Davis (Erik Dellums). The real Erik Dellums plays the role of Oliver. Released on video in 2002.