Everyone needs deadlines…

“Everyone needs deadlines. Even the beavers. They loaf around all summer, but when they are faced with the winter deadline, they work like fury. If we didn’t have deadlines, we’d stagnate.” -Walt Disney

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When we consider…

“When we consider a new project, we really study it—not just the surface idea, but everything about it. And when we go into that new project, we believe in it all the way. We have confidence in our ability to do it right. And we work hard to do the best possible job.” -Walt Disney

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In all my…

“In all my years of picture-making I have never had more satisfaction or felt more useful in the business of entertainment than I have in making the True-Life Adventure features.” -Walt Disney

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I don’t like…

“I don’t like formal gardens. I like wild nature. It’s just the wilderness instinct in me, I guess.” -Walt Disney

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Ever since the…

“Ever since the beginning of wisdom, man has been fashioning a brighter light and a stronger glass to help him probe deeper and deeper into the marvels of nature’s secret world. . . Often we can’t explain what we see, but just looking is always a dramatic and thrilling experience.” -Walt Disney

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We can learn…

“We can learn a lot from nature in action. Among other things, this: Each creature must earn his right to live and survive by his own efforts, according to his wit and energy and the things which in human relations we call moral behavior.” -Walt Disney

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